Thursday, September 5, 2013

NeoBux Strategy Guide

NeoBux guide
This guide will teach you how to start using NeoBux profitable way and how to earn $10-$100 each day!

neobux banner
Click banner to register!

What is NeoBux?

NeoBux is a PTC (Paid To Click) service, meaning you click ads, watch them, and are awarded money. You could also get direct referrals and also rent them. That's way you earn extra money from your referral clicks.There are also many mini-jobs available where you could earn some money.

Is NeoBux Scam?

NeoBux is the most popular and oldest PTC site on the internet. You can also find lot's of payment proofs around internet. NeoBux started 2008 and it's still here with reason! You have to keep in mind that it's not requires any investment to start earn with NeoBux. It's completely risk free so what you can loose?

How do I earn money with NeoBux?

There are three basic streams of income from NeoBux:
  • Income from your personal actions on the site (view ads, mini-jobs, etc)
  • Commissions paid to you from RR's (Rented Referrals) 
  • Commissions paid to you from DR's (Direct Referrals) 
How much money can I make?

First I have to say that the road to $10-$100 daily income will not happen in overnight. So if you are looking for something which will make you millionaire in one night, this guide is not for you. Best advice which I could give to you is BE PATIENT and don't give up. Rome wasn't build in day, keep that in mind.
  If you are willing to put a small amount of time each day, and follow this guide, you should be able to make well over $1,000 per month spending less than 30 minutes each day. Some users make several thousand dollars per month with the same time commitment. You could find many that kind of success stories from NeoBux forum after registeration.

How do I get started?

If you have not already signed up for NeoBux, click on any of the NeoBux banners within the guide or sign up here. You can also use this link:

------>CLICK HERE<------


The first two weeks

First two weeks will be hardest and you are not going to earn much money during in that period, that's a fact. But if you will make your way through these days with honor you are made it! You have more patience than 99% of new users and you really have chance to make $10-$100 each day with NeoBux.

So what you have to do in these first two weeks:
  • Click ALL ads everyday!
  • Make mini-jobs as much you can!
  • You should also click your AdPrize every time when they are available! (You will get 3 AdPrize tries from every clicked ad. Highest win in AdPrize is $50 so don't miss any of these!)
Your goal in first two weeks is earn $0.60 so you can begin the referral rental process. After 15 days and 100 ad views you are also eligible for DR's. You should start to get direct referrals soon as possible after that!

First two weeks is that simple but still hardest. If you success to made this first step you could congratulate yourself! You really have some potential to earn money with NeoBux!

TIP: NeoBux has notifier toolbar for various internet browsers. Toolbar will show you when you have new ads to click and also when there are mini-jobs available. I highly recommend to install that toolbar, it will make things much simpler and also it's help you earn more money. You could find that toolbar in your account statistics after registration.


Renting your first referrals 

Congratulations, you made it! It's a big deal to make it through the first 15 days. A lot of people quit before this point but guess what, this is where the fun begins!

Once you have at least $0.60 in your NeoBux account (even if the 15 days are not up yet), you have enough to rent your first 3 referrals.
  • Rent 3 referrals by clicking the "Referrals" button on your account home page.
  • Turn on "AutoPay" within the referrals -> Renred menu.

Autopay should be enabled because each day your referrals are active, they pay for themselves to be extended. This way, you do not need to worry about how much money to reserve for re-rental. AutoPay is a must!

Assuming your 3 rented referrals stay active, you will earn the following:
  • 3 RR x 4 RR-clicks at $0.005 each = $0.06/day
  • Clicking ads assigned to you, still approx $0.04/day
  • For a total of $0.10/day

Within one more week you can rent 3 more referrals, and be earning $0.16/day

And so on...

Continue viewing your ads each day so that you can earn your referral income, and when you save up enough money to rent more referrals, get them! The more rented referrals you have, the more you will get.

Once you have 300 RR's (maximum for standard member), stop renting and save up $90 in your NeoBux account. 

Assuming your 300 rented referrals stay active, you will earn the following:
  • 300 RR x 4 RR-clicks at $0.005 each = $6/day
  • Clicking ads assigned to you, still approx $0.04/day
  • For a total of $6.04/day
Yes, it will take some time, but remember that you are building a business and passive income with just a small time commitment each day! It goes pretty fast since renting referrals increase your income, and increased income allows you to rent more referrals.

TIP: If a rented referral is inactive for 14 days, it will be replaced with a new one for free!

Direct referrals

One easy way start to get direct referrals is sign up in ClixSense which is also trustable and one of oldest PTC sites. That way you could use your ClixSense earnings to your NeoBux account marketing. You will get thousands of views with only few dollars. This is propably the easiest and most effective way to get massive traffic to your account. You could sign up to ClixSense using that banner:

clixsense banner
Click banner to register!
You can find my ClixSense strategy guide here:

Go golden

When you have 300 referrals, stop renting and save up $90 so that you can upgrade to Golden. Once you are golden member, you will double your income nearly instantly!

Build your RR's to 2000

Resume your rental process and acquire 2000 RR's. This will not take too terrible long since by now you should be earning over $300 per month now.

  • 2000 RR's x 4 RR-clicks at $0.01/RR-Click = $80/day (+ your DR-clicks and your personal clicks.)
When cash out

Biggest problem with NeoBux users is that they cash out their profit instantly when they got enough balance in their accounts. That's way their whole long way work will dry out and basically whole process should be restarted. You should take your first cash out when you have 2000 RR's. But when you do cash out, you will be able to take about only $50 a day. You have to keep in mind that you should left enough balance to your account to keep it running! At this point you are master of NeoBux and you can collect your passive incoming everyday!

Click banner to register!

neobux guide

Keywords: neobux, neobux strategy, neobux strategy guide, neobux referrals, referrals, direct referrals, neobux strategy guide 2013, neobux guide, best neobux guide, ptc, ptc site, best ptc, is neobux scam, is neobux legit, ptcstrategy, ptcstrategyguides, passive income, passive, income, ptc guide